Erotic stories of Father Childminder Lover
Profile page of Father Childminder Lover. . All of his stories for adults. The statistics and survey all its erotic stories online.
Father Childminder Lover wrote 1 erotic stories which have been read 449 times
Never Too Late At 43 and still single, a failure in relationships, but successful otherwise. I thought I would never have children of my own, lucky I had 2 younger brothers who were married and had children. But the was still a void inside, but then I got new neighbors. Two successful businesswomen and lesbians (38 & 36), they were in their late thirties and like me wanted children. They could've gotten pregnant via IVF or a donation of a male friend, but legal problems came with IVF and a friend had gone dow...reading time 4 mingenreStraightwritten on